Friday, June 4, 2010


Another day comes and goes and with it more confusion and frustration. Sometimes you have to make a choice which path you're gonna take, but the light is dim and neither seems to lead in the direction that you think you're supposed to go. There are passions, there are talents, and then there is "what's available". I know that there are certain things that I am good at... certain concepts that I grasp that others do not, but I can never really figure out who to "do" those things. I feel like a hamster spinning in a wheel. Today was one of those days. I really have come to understand that human nature is for people to want others to "protect" them from human nature. Our government promises us that this is possible through the imposition of various layers of new laws, agencies, and regulations. In reality, these new regulations do nothing more than entrench the established crooks by placing new barriers of entry in front of the would-be competitors. The crooked stay crooked and those with ideas remain those with ideas.

Sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist. You could say I have "issues" trusting other people to actually do what they say that they will do. As a result, I often find myself doing things by myself. I really don't mind doing things by myself, but in reality, I prefer to doing things by myself with someone else. Does that even make sense? It does to me. I do like to work, and I do like to learn - I'm a very hands on learner - but I get lonely if I feel like I'm doing something that no one wants to be a part of, if even as an observing bystander.

One of the things that I have taken up as my hobby over the past few years is gardening. I literally knew nothing about how to grow anything prior to about 2006. Each year I try something different - some things fail and some things succeed. The next year I try to do more of what succeeded and less of what failed. Each year I get a little wiser. This year my garden seemed to get kind of a late start. It was very frustrating - especially given the way I started this blog - when everything is kinda fuzzy and not going the way that you think it should, then you take up a spare time hobby and even it doesn't seem to work right. I had many plants that kept being eaten by bugs or dug up by my dogs each time I would plant them. Learn and go on, I guess. Finally things started to grow and do well, but then recently I have been finding toads digging holes near my plants so that they can stay cool. All well and good, but the toad holes are exposing the roots of my plants, drying them out, and killing them. I suppose I can understand that even a toad needs a cool place to hang out, but I wish they wouldn't kill my plants in the process. Recently, however, my plants have begun growing quite well and look quite beautiful. I'm nearly convinced, for instance, that my zuccini plant most certainly has world domination plans on it's mind. It's spinnin out a new squash plant at the rate of nearly 1 per day and the leaves are about the size of an elephant's ear! Amazing. And even more special to me was to see the root ball that was left from the confederate star (aromatic) jasmine plant that I had given up for dead has recovered and sprouted new leaves. That's one of my most favorite scents in the world and to see it come back to life like a phoenix is really very refreshing.

Well, it's my bedtime. I pray blessings for anyone who is reading this. Truly.

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