Most food poisoning comes from Salmonella or E Coli bacteria. It's not uncommon to find it lurking in just about any restaurant that you might find yourself eating in, taking up residency in the leftover meatloaf that you didn't put away after Sunday lunch, or even in your hamburger that's been sitting in your fridge for a few days too long. It doesn't take long for these bacteria to find food that is not very well preserved, attach itself, and begin to grow. If you eat some of this affected food, the symptoms that you might experience can vary from a slight upset stomach to severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and even dehydration that could possibly lead to death.
It can often be identified due to the timing of its arrival - within a few hours of eating something suspicious, especially if there were others with you that may be experiencing the trouble as well. I've had it a handful of times and almost every time, I just kinda "knew" where it came from.
Food Poisoning can be dangerous and very uncomfortable. Thankfully, it's also one of the easiest things to cure. As soon as it becomes apparent that you are likely a victim of this poison, drink an ounce of Colloidal Silver. About every twenty minutes for the next three to four hours, repeat. If you have Salmonella or E Coli, the symptoms, including your fever, should have subsided substantially within that three to four hour period, if not completely gone away. If they haven't, chances are strong that you do not have bacterial food poisoning.
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